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5 Red Flags To Watch for in New Relationships
First dates can be so exciting and nerve-racking; what to wear, where to go, and figuring out what to say, what not to say, and so on. Then when we start a new relationship, we get all the feels and butterflies and get to build this exciting adventure in our lives with someone. When we meet someone new, it can take a while to learn about who they are and potential red flags that can have a bigger impact later in the relationship.
When we are in a new relationship, it is hard not to look at them through rose-colored glasses. When we like someone, we tend to give them the benefit of the doubt, explain away their behavior, or trust what they say to us at face value. So here are 5 red flags that you should watch out for in a new relationship.
Controlling Behavior
There is a range of controlling behavior and can vary from person to person. Overt controlling behavior can be someone refusing to allow you to visit certain people, go somewhere without them, or will only allow things to happen their way. However, controlling behavior can be more covert, such as causing you to doubt yourself or baiting you into certain behaviors so you look like the controlling and toxic one. In a new relationship, this could look like them guilting you when you go out with your friends or snooping through your phone.