Healing the Fear of Abandonment
The fear of abandonment is a wound that a lot of people have had or still have. It likely came from your parents or whoever was a big influence in your childhood. While it can be due to physical abandonment, it doesn’t always mean that it is. It could also be that they were not there for you in other ways such as mentally or emotionally.
Because of this behavior, you probably now try to find people in your adulthood to fill the void and heal this wound, which is an unhealthy behavior. There may also be some codependency or low self esteem that is causing you to attract unhealthy relationships. If that person also abandons you, it will only increase your fear of abandonment.
So how do we heal the fear of abandonment and stop it from allowing unhealthy relationships into our lives? We’ve all heard time and time again — stop abandoning yourself. If you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you will be able to give yourself all of the things an unhealthy person is seeking in a relationship to fill them up, such as people to validate them, love them unconditionally, soothe them, and never give up on them.
The person who has a fear of abandonment is looking for someone on the outside to give all those things to them, because they don’t give it to themselves. You must be able to validate yourself, know you are enough, soothe yourself, and…