We have talked about the importance of self-esteem and self-confidence in the past, but what about self-worth? When we look at a narcissist, we can see that they have a lot of confidence in themselves. However, a large underlying factor to their mental illness stems from low self-worth. We can fake and portray ourselves as confident, but if that self-worth piece isn’t there for you, you’re not going to have that confidence, not really.
If we were to ask someone if they have self-worth or self-esteem, most people would say, “Yes, of course! I love myself and know that I have self-worth!” They could also say they are self-confident or think highly of themselves. But when we look at how we live our lives, we can realize that we actually don’t have that self-worth.
Self-worth is really the basis for all of our other self-imagery. When we look at self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, it all stems from our self-worth. We can put on masks and “fake it till we make it,” but at the end of the day, not much will change and you will still suffer silently.
So what are the signs of having low self-worth?
The first sign is you struggle to accept compliments. This is one that I used to struggle with. Whenever someone would compliment me, I would give an excuse. If someone said, “wow, you have nice hair today!” I would respond with…